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Tips For New Blogger

Almost a year ago I accidentally watched a show called e lifestyle which aired every Sunday morning. It was the theme discussed was the growing phenomenon of Indonesian bloggers. Shoots beloved side dish arrived because I had long wanted to have a personal website but do not know how, just know that I was  not understand the internet or programming language and all things associated with it .
Valuable information to be able to have a personal site for free (except the cost of Internet connection), I  drove directly to  realize my dream.

For those of you who want a new postscript to build a blog, there are a few tips :
1. Define Objectives
Before starting to build a blog, you must set your goals and what for to build and has a blog. Is it for online earning, campaign, devoting a feeling or a means of transfer of knowledge. Although basically a weblog or blog is an online tool to convey information, invitation, seduction, opinions, ideas to the public and allow for interaction between the blogger / editor blogs with visitors in the form of comments.

2. Determine Blog Theme / Blog Niche
Thema is a blog that should not be forgotten because the theme of your blog / blogs are niche providers and strict limits on all the articles written and published so as not to be too broad everywhere and obscur / blurry. There are several niche blogs that are commonly used, among others: personal, politics, online earnings, travel, sports, games, family, adventure, law and others.

3. Immediately realize your dream
If both of the above have you specify, immediately realize your dreams with a direct way to start to build a blog because the blog that there is still on the head can't be visited and read by visitors .

Similarly tips can I give to my friends who are new postscript / newbie like me. As for applications or sites that provide free blogs, there are two frequently used is from  blogger from google and wordpress.